緋扇(ひおうぎ) Hiougi(Blackberry Lily)

ヒオウギ 撮影(2015.08) by きょう


- Hiougi is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Iridaceae in the family Iridaceae. It is said that this name was given because scarlet flowers bloom on the leaves that resemble a scarlet folding fan(Hi-Ougi in Japanese) in the summer. There are dark crimson spots on the inside of the flower.


ヒオウギの実 撮影(2015.09) by きょう


・枕詞「ぬばたまの」が用いられている歌は、[ ぬばたまの ]のページを参照してください。

- In Manyoshu, there is no poem about the Hiougi itself. The black fruit of Hiougi is called "Nubatama", which word is used as a makurakotoba(a conventional poetic epithet) to guide "black" and "night".

- Please refer to Nubatama-no page.


更新日: 2022年07月31日(日)