土針(つちはり) Tsuchihari(Leonurus sibiricus)

メハジキ by 写真AC

土針(つちはり)は シソ科メハジキ属の目弾き(メハジキ)と考えられています。ただし、衝羽根草(ツクバネソウ)などの説もあります。


- Tsuchihari is considered to be a Mehajiki which is Leonurus sibiricus of the genus Labiatae. However, there are also theories such as Tsukubane-so which is Paris tetraphylla. Mehajiki blooms a pale purple-red small flower by the leaves of the branch tip in summer field and so on. It is also called Yakumo-so.



1338: 我がやどに生ふるつちはり心ゆも思はぬ人の衣に摺らゆな

補足: 説

更新日: 2019年06月16日(日)