原文 Original Text

馬並而 三芳野河乎 欲見 打越来而曽 瀧尓遊鶴

作者 Author


よみ Reading

馬(うま)並(な)めて み吉野川(よしのがは)を 見まく欲(ほ)り うち越え来てぞ 瀧(たき)に遊びつる

- Uma namete Mi-Yoshinogaha wo Mimaku hori Uchi-koe kitezo Taki ni asobi-tsuru.

意味 Meaning

滝 by 写真AC



- rough meaning: We wanted to see the beautiful Yoshinogawa River with riding horses, so we came over the mountains and played at the waterfall.

補足 Note


- This poem is one of the poems titled "composing a poem about the river".

更新日: 2023年02月29日(日)