ムササビ Musasabi(Japanese giant flying squirrel)



- Japanese giant flying squirrels are animals of the squirrel family that live only in Japan. It can glide from tall trees by spreading the membrane that connects its front legs and hind legs to its body. It is a nocturnal creature that eats fruits and buds. Because it jumps from tree to tree at night, some people in the past feared it as a Yokai(a type of monster which is scary and sometimes sort of cute) or something.

ムササビを詠んだ歌 Poems


0267: むささびは木末求むとあしひきの山のさつ男にあひにけるかも

1028: ますらをの高円山に迫めたれば里に下り来るむざさびぞこれ

1367: 三国山木末に住まふむささびの鳥待つごとく我れ待ち痩せむ

更新日: 2022年10月23日(日)