猿(さる) Saru(Monkey/Japanese macaque)
![猿 by 写真AC](image/saru.jpg)
- It seems that monkeys have lived in Japan for a long time, and their bones have been found in ruins from the Jomon period. Clay figurines(Jomon period) in the shape of monkeys and Haniwa(Kofun period) have been unearthed. In the Hitachi-no-Kuni Fudoki(description of the culture、climate、etc. of Hitachi province), in the description of the village of Otaka in Namekata District (present-day Namegata City, Itako City, Ibaraki Prefecture) there lived many wild boars and monkeys.
猿(さる)を詠んだ歌 Poem using a monkey as a metaphor