三枝(さきくさ) Sakikusa

- It is not clear what Sakikusa is, but there are theories such as Mitsumata, Adonis ramosa, and Daphne odora. Here, it is explained as Mitsumata. Mitsumata is a deciduous shrub of the hymelaeaceae. It is said that this name was given because the branch is divided into three. Around March, it blooms yellow mari-like flowers before the leaves come out. Its bark is also famous as a raw material for Japanese paper.
0904: 世間の貴び願ふ七種の宝も我れは何せむに我が中の.......(長歌)
1895: 春さればまづさきくさの幸くあらば後にも逢はむな恋ひそ我妹