原文 Original Text

等保都安布美 伊奈佐保曽江乃 水乎都久思 安礼乎多能米弖 安佐麻之物能乎

作者 Author

不明 Unknown

よみ Reading

遠江(とほつあふみ) 引佐細江(いなさほそえ)みをつくし 我(あ)れを頼(たの)めて あさましものを

意味 Meaning

浜名湖 by 写真AC


- rough meaning: I did'nt know that you had been meeting me with a light feeling , while you had been making me believe you like that I should rely on Inasa Hosoe's Mio-tsu-kushi(the marker indicating the route of the ships in the water channel) in Totoumi.

補足 Note


更新日: 2023年11月12日(日)