澪標(みをつくし) Mio-tsu-kushi(Marks for the waterways)

澪標 撮影 by きょう


- Miwo-tsu-kushi are stakes placed in the ocean or rivers to mark the boundaries of waterways for boats to navigate. "Mio" refers to a place where the water is deep and navigable, "Tsu" means "of" and "Kushi" means picket or stake.

澪標(みをつくし)を詠んだ歌 Poems including Miotsukushi


- In the Manyoshu, "Mio-tsu-kushi" is used as a pivot word for the word "Mi-wo-tsukushi" which means "to give one's everything for a person who is close to one's heart".

3162: みをつくし心尽して思へかもここにももとな夢にし見ゆる

3429: 遠江引佐細江のみをつくし我れを頼めてあさましものを



更新日: 2023年11月12日(日)