飛鳥寺(あすかでら) Asukadera Temple

飛鳥寺 by 写真AC



- Asukadera Temple is said to have been founded by the prominent Soga clan, and is also called as Houkouji Temple. It was transferred to Heijokyo in Yoro 2 years (718 AD), but the Temple buildings was left intact. However, it burned down in the Heian period.

飛鳥大仏 撮影 by きょう


- Current Asukadera Temple, located in Asuka-mura, Koichi-gun, Nara Prefecture, is a temple called Ango-in that was rebuilt during the Edo period. In the main hall, the oldest Buddha statue in Japan, said to have been made by Kurakuri-no-Tori, has been enshrined as the Asuka Daibutsu (sitting statue of Shaka Nyorai).


0992: 故郷の飛鳥はあれどあをによし奈良の明日香を見らくしよしも

更新日: 2019年05月21日(火)