布留川(ふるがは/ふるかわ) Furugawa/Furukawa River

布留川 撮影(2002.10.9) by きょう


- The Furukawa River flows from the mountain in the eastern part of Tenri City, Nara Prefecture, flows north of Isonokami Shrine, and finally flows into the Hatsusegawa River. The flow of the river is still beautiful up to around Isonokami Shrine.

布留川を詠んだ歌 Poems


1111: いにしへもかく聞きつつか偲ひけむこの布留川の清き瀬の音を

3012: との曇り雨布留川のさざれ波間なくも君は思ほゆるかも

3013: 我妹子や我を忘らすな石上袖布留川の絶えむと思へや

更新日: 2023年05月28日(日)