清流と水車 by 写真AC


– Nature, flowers, seasons, animals, etc. are found in many poems. Let's enjoy the songs(poems) of people who lived with the rich nature of the Manyo era.

生き物を詠んだ歌 Animals

鳥 by 写真AC


- In addition to various birds, animals such as horses and whales are also depicted in the poems.

自然を詠んだ歌 Nature

自然 by 写真AC


- Let's feel various nature such as moon, stars, sunrise, sunset, wind, sea, river, fog, rain, and snow through Manyo poems.

万葉集の草花 Flowers

植物 by 写真AC


- Manyoshu contains about 1,500 poems about flowers and trees.

万葉の四季 Season

香久山 by 写真AC


- Poems for each season of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and poems for each month are listed.

七夕を詠んだ歌 Tanabata(the Star Festival)

天の川 by 写真AC


- The poems related to Tanabata exceed 130. Most of them are envious of the story of love between men and women.