
飛鳥大仏 撮影(1998) by きょう


その後、用明天皇の587年頃に蘇我氏(仏教推進派)と物部氏(廃仏派)との争いを経て、本格的に仏教が浸透してゆきました。 奈良時代には聖武天皇の東大寺の大仏建立に代表されるように仏教文化が栄えました。

- According to the Nihon Shoki(Chronicles of Japan), Buddhism is said to have been carried out by the fact that King Shomyoo in Baekje provided Buddha statues and Buddhist scriptures during the 13th year (552 AD) of Emperor Kinmei.(Nowadays, it is widely accepted that Introduction of Buddhism into Japan was 538 AD.)

Then, after the battle between Soga Family (pro-Buddhist) and Mononobe Family(anti-Buddhist) around 587, the emperor of Yomei, Buddhism spreaded. Buddhist culture prospered as it was represented in the Great Buddha erection of Todai-ji Temple of Emperor Shomu in the Nara period.



3841: 仏造るま朱足らずは水溜まる池田の朝臣が鼻の上を掘れ


更新日: 2019年05月14日(火)