緑(みどり) Midori(Green)

新緑 撮影 by きょう



  • 冠位十二階での色名: 紫、青、赤、黄、白、黒
  • 冠位四十八階での色名: 朱華、朱華、深紫、浅紫、深緑、浅緑、深葡、浅葡萄
  • 養老律令の服令での色名: 黑紫、黑紫、浅紫、浅紫、深緋、深緋、深緑、浅緑、深縹

- Midori(Green) is the color of new shoots such as trees and new leaves, but in Japan's ancient times it seems that the image "new and fresh" was stronger than the color name. Even though they are aware of green, "green" as a word that indicates color is ambiguous and is rather included in the category of "blue".



- Manyoshu has poems containing light green and green. It is said that light green is dyed in blue with an indigo plant at first and then dyed with pale yellow in a Amur corktree(Phellodendron amurense: deciduous tall tree of the genus Citrus yellow), making light green with blue and yellow.

1847: 浅緑染め懸けたりと見るまでに春の柳は萌えにけるかも

2177: 春は萌え夏は緑に紅のまだらに見ゆる秋の山かも


更新日: 2021年10月04日(月)