
トモエガモ by 鳥好きの部屋


- Aji is thought to be a Tomoe-kamo(Baikal teal) of the Anatidae family. It is a small wild duck, and it seems to have this name(Tomoe-kamo) because it has a male head with a sword-shaped(or like a comma-shaped) pattern(this pattern is called Tomoe-mon in Japanese). It has been designated as an endangered species, and we cannot rarely see them.



0257: 天降りつく天の香具山霞立つ春に至れば松風に.......(長歌)

0260: 天降りつく神の香具山うち靡く.......(長歌)

0485: 神代より生れ継ぎ来れば人さはに.......(長歌)

0486: 山の端にあぢ群騒き行くなれど我れは寂しゑ君にしあらねば

1299: あぢ群のとをよる海に舟浮けて白玉採ると人に知らゆな

2751: あぢの住む渚沙の入江の荒礒松我を待つ子らはただ独りのみ

3547: あぢの棲む須沙の入江の隠り沼のあな息づかし見ず久にして

3991: もののふの八十伴の男の思ふどち.......(長歌)

4360: 皇祖の遠き御代にも押し照る.......(長歌)

更新日: 2021年03月14日(日)