鴛鴦(をしどり) Oshidori(Mandarin duck)

鴛鴦(をしどり)は、カモ科のオシドリです。 写真の、赤いくちばしの全体が派手な方がオスです。ちなみに、鴛鴦(をしどり)の鴛(えん)が雄(オス)で、鴦(おう)が雌(メス)です。
- Oshidori(Mandarin duck) is a bird of duck family. In the photo, the one with the red beak is male. In Japanese, the word "a couple of oshidori" which means "happily married couple" is well known. Like the word, it has been thought that the same oshidori's couple would always be close to each other for the whole of their life, but recent studies have shown that this is not the case.
0258: 人漕がずあらくもしるし潜きする鴛鴦とたかべと船の上に棲む
2491: 妹に恋ひ寐ねぬ朝明にをし鳥のこゆかく渡る妹が使か
4505: 礒の裏に常呼び来住む鴛鴦の惜しき我が身は君がまにまに
4511: 鴛鴦の住む君がこの山斎今日見れば馬酔木の花も咲きにけるかも