虎(とら) Tiger

撮影(2010.07) by きょう


- Tigers of the feline leopard genus were in China and the Korean peninsula, but Manyo people seemed to know their existence through paintings and furs at the time of Manyo. It is said that the first time a living tiger was brought to Japan was during the Heian period (890 CE).



0199: かけまくもゆゆしきかも言はまくもあやに畏き.......(長歌)

3833: 虎に乗り古屋を越えて青淵に蛟龍捕り来む剣太刀もが

3885: いとこ汝背の君居り居りて物にい行くとは韓国の.......(長歌)

更新日: 2022年04月03日(日)