鰻(うなぎ) Unagi(Eel)

- Unagi(Eel) is a teleost fish of the eel family. It was named Munaki because it's chest is yellow, then changed to Unagi (there are various theories). It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E and calcium, so it can be said to be a health food. Since the bones of the eel were excavated from the remains of the Jomon period, it is thought that they were used for food from that time.
鰻(うなぎ )を詠んだ歌には「痩(や)せたる人を嗤咲(わら)へる歌二首」と題された歌があります。江戸時代から土用の丑の日に鰻を食べる習慣ができたようですが、万葉の人たちも鰻が夏やせに効果があると考えていたようです。万葉の頃の具体的な鰻の調理法ははっきりとはしていないようですが、筒状にぶつ切りにして串を通して火で炙(あぶ)って、塩などで味付けしていたと考えられています。
- There are poems titled "Poems that make fun of thin person" in Manyoshu. Manyo people also thought that eel is effective for losing weight in the summer, while the custom of eating eel on the day of the Ox has been established since the Edo period. The specific method of cooking eel in Manyo period is unclear, but it is believed that the eel was chopped into cylinders, passed through a skewer, roasted over a fire, and seasoned with salt.