原文 Original Text

經毛無 緯毛不定 未通女等之 織黄葉尓 霜莫零

作者 Author

大津皇子(おおつのみこ) Ootsu-no-miko

よみ Reading

経(たて)もなく 緯(ぬき)も定めず 娘子(をとめ)らが 織る黄葉(もみちば)霜(しも)な降りそね

- Tate mo naku Nuki mo sadamezu Wotomera ga Oru momichiba ni Shimo na furisone.

意味 Meaning

山の紅葉 by 写真AC



- rough meaning: Don't let frost fall on the yellow leaves in the mountain that the maidens weaved without deciding on the warp or the weft.(This poem depicts the autumn leaves of the mountains as cloth woven by maidens.)

補足 Note


更新日: 2023年10月15日(日)