ちさ Chisa(Japanese snowbell)
- Chisa is thought that it is a Japanese snowbell(Styrax japonica) of the family Styracaceae. The height is 7 to 15 meters. After leaving the leaves around May or June, blooms small white flowers downward. It is also known as the “Chisha” in Japanese. The seeds contain saponin, which is considered to be a substitute for soap, but is said to be toxic.
1360: 息の緒に思へる我れを山ぢさの花にか君がうつろひぬらむ
2469: 山ぢさの白露重みうらぶれて心も深く我が恋やまず
4106: 大汝少彦名の神代より言ひ継ぎけらく父母を見れば貴く妻子見れば.......(長歌)
補足: イワタバコ説