栗(くり) Kuri(Chestnut)

栗 撮影(2015.08) by きょう


- Kuri(Chestnut) is a deciduous plant belonging to the family Fagaceae. It is familiar as a taste of autumn in Japan. Around June, chestnut flowers extend from the axils of branches into long, string-like flower spikes, and bloom like a collection of small flowers. The male flowers of chestnut bloom in spikes, and the female flowers bloom at the base of the inflorescence.



0802: 瓜食めば子ども思ほゆ栗食めばまして偲はゆ.......(長歌)

1745: 三栗の那賀に向へる曝井の絶えず通はむそこに妻もが

1783: 松返りしひてあれやは三栗の中上り来ぬ麻呂といふ奴


栗の花 撮影 by きょう


更新日: 2022年09月25日(日)