狭岑島(さみねのしま) Samine-no-Shima(Shami Island)

沙弥島 by 写真AC


- Samine-no-Shima is the current Shamijima in Sakaide City, Kagawa Prefecture. It used to be one of the Shiwaku Islands in the Seto Inland Sea. A land reclamation of an industrial area was carried out in that area in 1967, and Shamijima is now connected to Shikoku by land.



- Volume 2 contains a long poem and two tanka poems by Kakinomoto-no-Hitomaro.

[ 讃岐(さぬき)の狭岑嶋(さみねのしま)にして石の中の死人を視て柿本朝臣人麻呂が作る歌一首(并せて短歌) ]

0220: 玉藻よし讃岐の国は国からか見れども飽かぬ.......(長歌)

0221: 妻もあらば摘みて食げまし沙弥の山野の上のうはぎ過ぎにけらずや

0222: 沖つ波来寄る荒礒を敷栲の枕とまきて寝せる君かも

更新日: 2021年10月31日(日)