昼顔 撮影(2010.06) by きょう

容花(かほばな) Kahobana(Bindweed)


- There are several theories about what Kahobana is, and it is thought to be Kakitsubata(Iris laevigata), Mukuge(Rose of Sharon), or Hirugao(Bindweed). Currently, the most likely candidate for the Kahobana is thought to be bindweed. Hirugao is a climbing plant of the Convolvulaceae family that blooms in fields and roadsides in summer with flowers similar to morning glories.

容花(かほばな)を詠んだ歌 Poems on Kahobana

昼顔 by 写真AC


- Four poems including "Kahobana" are love poems.

1630: 高円の野辺のかほ花面影に見えつつ妹は忘れかねつも

2288: 石橋の間々に生ひたるかほ花の花にしありけりありつつ見れば

3505: うちひさつ宮能瀬川のかほ花の恋ひてか寝らむ昨夜も今夜も

3575: 美夜自呂のすかへに立てるかほが花な咲き出でそねこめて偲はむ

更新日: 2024年06月16日(日)