伊勢の海 Isenoumi(Sea of Ise)

伊勢の海 by 写真AC


- Currently, speaking of Isenoumi, we usually think of the Ise Bay. It was thought that the sea of Ise indicated not only Ise Bay but also the seas around Ise and Shima when it was sung by Manyoshu.



0306: 伊勢の海の沖つ白波花にもが包みて妹が家づとにせむ

0600: 伊勢の海の礒もとどろに寄する波畏き人に恋ひわたるかも

1322: 伊勢の海の海人の島津が鰒玉採りて後もか恋の繁けむ

2805: 伊勢の海ゆ鳴き来る鶴の音どろも君が聞こさば我れ恋ひめやも

3301: 神風の伊勢の海の朝なぎに来寄る深海松.......(長歌)

更新日: 2019年08月04日(日)