畝傍山(うねびやま) Unebiyama(Mt.Unebiyama)

- Mt.Unebiyama is one of the Three Mountains of Yamato("Yamato-san-zan"), along with Mt.Kaguyama and Mt.Miminashiyama. It is 199.2 meters high and is the highest mountain among Yamato-san-zan. It is located in Unebicho, Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, and there are Kashihara Jingu Shrine and the tomb of Emperor Jimmu near the foot of the mountain.
0013: 香具山は畝傍を雄々しと耳成と相争ひき.......(長歌)
0029: 玉たすき畝傍の山の橿原のひじりの御代ゆ.......(長歌)
0052: やすみしし我ご大君高照らす日の皇子荒栲の.......(長歌)
0207: 天飛ぶや軽の道は我妹子が里にしあれば.......(長歌)
0543: 大君の行幸のまにまもののふの八十伴の男と.......(長歌)