原文 Original Text

吾妹子之 殖之梅樹 毎見 情咽都追 涕之流

作者 Author

大伴旅人(おおとものたびと) Otomo-no-tabito

よみ Reading

我妹子(わぎもこ)が 植(う)ゑし梅(うめ)の木 見るごとに 心(こころ)咽(む)せつつ 涙(なみた)し流る

- Wagimoko ga Uweshi Ume-no-ki Miru goto ni Kokoro muse-tsutsu Namita shi nagaru.

意味 Meaning

梅 by 写真AC



- rough meaning: Every time I look at the Ume tree you planted, my heart tightens and I shed tears.(This is one of the poems written by Otomo-no-Tabito in the 2nd year of Tenpyo (730 A.D.) when he returned from Dazaifu to Nara-no-Miyako, seeing the Ume tree which was planted by his wife in his garden. His wife passed away about three years ago.)

補足 Note


- This is one of the poems entitled "Three poems composed immediately upon returning to his hometown".

更新日: 2024年01月21日(日)