大宰府(だざいふ) Dazaifu

大宰府(だざいふ) 撮影(2001.3.12) by きょう



- Dazaifu had played a role as an ancient Japanese defense base and a window to foreign countries. As the center of Dazaifu, the trace of the government office is preserved as the capital tower site(Tofurow Site) in the present "Kanzeon-4, Dazaiifu City ".

大宰府(だざいふ)を詠んだ歌 Poems on Dazaifu

大宰府(だざいふ) by 写真AC



- In the Manyoshu, Dazaifu is described as "Tono-Mikado(Government far from the capital)". As a poet who made poems on this land, Otomo-no-Tabito and Yamanoue-no-Okura are well known.

0304: 大君の遠の朝廷とあり通ふ島門を見れば神代し思ほゆ

0794: 大君の遠の朝廷としらぬひ筑紫の国に.......(長歌)

0956: やすみしし我が大君の食す国は大和もここも同じとぞ思ふ

0973: 食す国の遠の朝廷に汝らがかく罷りなば.......(長歌)

3668: 大君の遠の朝廷と思へれど日長くしあれば恋ひにけるかも

3688: 天皇の遠の朝廷と韓国に渡る我が背は.......(長歌)

4331: 大君の遠の朝廷としらぬひ筑紫の国は.......(長歌)

更新日: 2024年06月09日(日)