檜(ひ)/桧(ひ) Hi(Hinoki,Japanese Cypress)
- "Hi" refers to the modern Japanese cypress, an evergreen tree belonging to the cypress family. It is monoecious, flowers in the spring, and produces spherical fruits in the fall. It has been used as a japanese building material since ancient times.
檜(ひ)/桧(ひ)を詠んだ歌 Poems including Hi

- Places where there are many "Hi" trees are called Hihara(Hinoki) (some of them seem to have become place names), and are included in following six poems.
0050: やすみしし我が大君高照らす日の皇子.......(長歌)
1092: 鳴る神の音のみ聞きし巻向の桧原の山を今日見つるかも
1095: 三諸つく三輪山見れば隠口の泊瀬の桧原思ほゆるかも
1118: いにしへにありけむ人も我がごとか三輪の桧原にかざし折りけむ
1119: 行く川の過ぎにし人の手折らねばうらぶれ立てり三輪の桧原は
1813: 巻向の桧原に立てる春霞おほにし思はばなづみ来めやも
2314: 巻向の桧原もいまだ雲居ねば小松が末ゆ沫雪流る
3232: 斧取りて丹生の桧山の木伐り来て.......(長歌)
3824: さし鍋に湯沸かせ子ども櫟津の桧橋より来む狐に浴むさむ