桑(くわ) Kuwa(Mulberry)

- Kuwa(Mulberry) is a deciduous tree of the genus Mulberry in the Moraceae family. It is dioecious or monoecious. It will bear flowers from around April and red fruits from around May. In fact, in the summer, it becomes black and ripe and can be eaten. Mulberries was known as a feed on silk moths. Sericulture has been popular since ancient times, and the leaves of Yamaguwa(Wild mulberry) with large leaves were used for feeding. Mulberry seems to had been considered a spiritual tree in ancient times.
1357: たらちねの母がそのなる桑すらに願へば衣に着るといふものを
3086: なかなかに人とあらずは桑子にもならましものを玉の緒ばかり
→(注) 桑そのものを詠んだ歌ではありません。
3350: 筑波嶺の新桑繭の衣はあれど君が御衣しあやに着欲しも