星 Hoshi(Star)

月と天王星 by 写真AC



- It is not clear when the ancient Japanese became deeply interested in the stars. In the Nihonshoki, there is a description that "In the 12th year of Emperor Jomei (640 AD), the star enters the moon on the 7th day of the second month". It is said that this "the star entering the moon" is called a star eclipse, in which a star (fixed star or planet) is hidden by the moon.

- Picture shows the Uranus(small star on the lower left of the moon) about to hide behind the moon.

星を詠んだ歌 Poems on stars

星空 by 写真AC


- Except for Tanabata's "Hikoboshi(Altair)", there are very few poems on stars. "Akaboshi", which indicates the morning star, and "Yufuzutsu," which indicates the evening star, are written in Yamanoue-no-Okura's long poem. "Yufuzutsu" is also included in the elegy of Princess Asuka, composed by Kakimoto-no-Hitomaro.

0161: 北山にたなびく雲の青雲の星離り行き月を離れて

0196: 飛ぶ鳥の明日香の川の上つ瀬に.......(長歌)

0904: 世間の貴び願ふ七種の宝も我れは.......(長歌)

1068: 天の海に雲の波立ち月の舟星の林に漕ぎ隠る見ゆ

2010: 夕星も通ふ天道をいつまでか仰ぎて待たむ月人壮士


更新日: 2022年11月20日(月)