小簾(をす)/簾(すだれ) Wosu/Sudare(Reed-screen)
- "Wo" of "Wosu" is prefix of "Su", and "Wosu" is "Sudare". "Sudare",Reed-screen, is the screen or blind made from the leaves and stems of reeds and cattails. Sudare were used throughout the four seasons to ensure a private space.
小簾(をす)/簾(すだれ)を詠んだ歌 Poems including Sudare
- The scenery of the reed blinds swaying in the wind is impressive. Poem 0488 and poem 1606 are exactly the same. It is unknown why the same poem appears in different volumes.
0488: 君待つと我が恋ひ居れば我が宿の簾動かし秋の風吹く
1073: 玉垂の小簾の間通しひとり居て見る験なき夕月夜かも
1606: 君待つと我が恋ひをれば我が宿の簾動かし秋の風吹く
2364: 玉垂の小簾のすけきに入り通ひ来ねたらちねの母が問はさば風と申さむ
2556: 玉垂の小簾の垂簾を行きかちに寐は寝さずとも君は通はせ
- The cattail used for the Sudare is a perennial plant belonging to the cattail family, which grows in marshes and produces cylindrical spikes in the summer. The pollen is said to have efficacy as a hemostatic agent and analgesic.