粟(あわ) Awa(Foxtail millet)
- Awa(Foxtail millet) is a perennial plant of the Gramineae. It has been cultivated on the slopes of mountains since ancient times. From summer to autumn, large ears appear at the end of the stem, and many small flowers are put there.
- There is a story in the Kojiki(The Records of Ancient Matters of Japan) and Nohon-Shoki(the Chronicles of Japan) that five grains were produced from the dead body of the killed God, one of which is the foxtail millet.
0404: ちはやぶる神の社しなかりせば春日の野辺に粟蒔かましを
0405: 春日野に粟蒔けりせば鹿待ちに継ぎて行かましを社し恨めし
3364: 足柄の箱根の山に粟蒔きて実とはなれるを粟無くもあやし
3451: 左奈都良の岡に粟蒔き愛しきが駒は食ぐとも我はそとも追じ
3834: 梨棗黍に粟つぎ延ふ葛の後も逢はむと葵花咲く