橡(つるばみ) Tsurubami(Sawtooth oak)

クヌギの実 撮影(2008.10) by きょう


- Tsurubami(Quercus acutissima, Sawtooth oak) is a deciduous tree of the genus Quercus serrata of the family Fagaceae. The flowers come in May, and the large rounded acorns come in the fall. Manyo people boiled acorns and used iron as a mordant to make a dark blue dye. The clothes dyed with this dark blue dye were so simple for the common people.


クヌギの実 by 写真AC


1311: 橡の衣は人皆事なしと言ひし時より着欲しく思ほゆ

1314: 橡の解き洗ひ衣のあやしくもことに着欲しきこの夕かも

2965: 橡の袷の衣裏にせば我れ強ひめやも君が来まさぬ

2968: 橡の一重の衣うらもなくあるらむ子ゆゑ恋ひわたるかも

3009: 橡の衣解き洗ひ真土山本つ人にはなほしかずけり

4109: 紅はうつろふものぞ橡のなれにし来ぬになほしかめやも


更新日: 2021年04月25日(日)