雷(かみなり) Kaminari(Thunder)

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- Kaminari(Thunder) is a "Kami-Nari(God's rumbling)". It means that the sound of God is resounding. It is also said "Ikazuchi(Scared God)". In addition, because there are a lot of lightning around the time when the rice plant is growing, it is thought that the flash of lightning will make the rice come to fruition, and it has come to be called "Ina-zuma (Rice's wife).

雷(かみなり)を詠んだ歌 Poems


- In the poems, "Kaminari" is described as "Naru-Kami(a thundering God.)" It seems to mean something sacred and frightening.

0199: かけまくもゆゆしきかも言はまくもあやに畏き.......(長歌)

0913: 味凝りあやにともしく鳴る神の音のみ聞きし.......(長歌)

1092: 鳴る神の音のみ聞きし巻向の桧原の山を今日見つるかも

1369: 天雲に近く光りて鳴る神の見れば畏し見ねば悲しも

2513: 鳴る神の少し響みてさし曇り雨も降らぬか君を留めむ

2514: 鳴る神の少し響みて降らずとも我は留まらむ妹し留めば

2658: 天雲の八重雲隠り鳴る神の音のみにやも聞きわたりなむ

3421: 伊香保嶺に雷な鳴りそね我が上には故はなけども子らによりてぞ

4235: 天雲をほろに踏みあだし鳴る神も今日にまさりて畏けめやも


更新日: 2019年06月26日(水)