鏡王女(かがみのおおきみ) Kagami-no-Okimi

イラスト by 忽原さま


- Not much is known about Kagami-no-Okimi, except that she is the older sister of Nukata-no-Okimi. One theory holds that she is the daughter of Kagami-no-Okimi. She is said to have been the wife of Emperor Tenchi, and it is said that later became the official wife of Fujiwara-no-Kamatari. In Kofuku-ji Engi (description of the origin of the Kofukuji temple), it is written that she was the legitimate wife of Fujiwara-no-Kamatari.

鏡王女の墓 撮影 by きょう


- The date of her birth is unknown. In the Nihon-Shoki(Chronicle of ancient Japan), there is an article that Emperor Tenmu visited the sick Kagami-no-Okimi on July 4,Tenmu 12th year(AD 683), but she died the next day. The photo is the tomb of Kagami-no-Okimi in Oshizaka, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture.

鏡王女(かがみのおおきみ)が詠んだ歌 Poems written by Kagami-no-Okimi


0092: 秋山の木の下隠り行く水の我れこそ益さめ御思ひよりは

0093: 玉櫛笥覆ふを安み明けていなば君が名はあれど吾が名し惜しも

0489: 風をだに恋ふるは羨し風をだに来むとし待たば何か嘆かむ

1419: 神なびの石瀬の社の呼子鳥いたくな鳴きそ我が恋まさる

1607: 風をだに恋ふるは羨し風をだに来むとし待たば何か嘆かむ

更新日: 2023年06月18日(日)