朱華(はねず)色 Hanezu-iro




- Hanezu-iro is a pale pink with a yellow tint, which is obtained by undercoating yellow with gardenia and dyeing with Kurenai(Safflower). There is a theory that it got this name because it resembles the color of "Hanezu" flower (there are other theories).

- Clothes dyed in "Hanezu-iro''(Hanezu color) will fade if washed with ash. For this reason, it is thought that "Hanezu-iro" came to be used as a makurakotoba to guide the word "Utsurohi-yasuki"(easy to change).

朱華(はねず)色を詠んだ歌 Poems

0657: 思はじと言ひてしものをはねず色のうつろひやすき我が心かも

2786: 山吹のにほへる妹がはねず色の赤裳の姿夢に見えつつ

3074: はねず色のうつろひやすき心あれば年をぞ来経る言は絶えずて


更新日: 2023年03月19日(日)