オクノカンスゲ by 写真AC

山菅(やますげ) Yamasuge(Carex morrowii)


- There are various theories about "Yamasuge", and "Kansuge" which belongs to the genus Sedge of the family Cyperaceae is widely accepted theory. Kansuge grows naturally in the mountains and flowers in spring. Because it is evergreen even in winter, it is called Kan-suge ("kan" means cold, "suge" means sedge). Other theories are listed below, but both theories are questioned because some poems say, "Sedge without fruit''.

ヤブラン by 写真AC
  • ヤブラン.....ユリ科の多年草。8月~9月頃、林に良く見かけます。つやのある線形の葉と、紫色の小花を穂状につけた花茎が特徴です。
  • Yaburan(Liriope muscari).....A perennial herb of the lily family. It is often seen in forests from August to September. It features shiny linear leaves and flower stalks with spikes of purple flowers.
リュウノヒゲ by 写真AC
  • 蛇の髭(じゃのひげ).....ユリ科の多年草で、冬に濃い青色の実をつけます。竜の髭(りゅうのひげ)とも言います。
  • Janohige(Dwarf mondo grass).....A perennial plant of the Liliaceae family that bears dark blue berries in winter. It is also called Ryu-no-hige.



0564: 山菅の実ならぬことを我れに寄せ言はれし君は誰れとか寝らむ

2456: ぬばたまの黒髪山の山菅に小雨降りしきしくしく思ほゆ

2474: 山菅の乱れ恋のみせしめつつ逢はぬ妹かも年は経につつ

2477: あしひきの名負ふ山菅押し伏せて君し結ばば逢はずあらめやも

2862: 山川の水蔭に生ふる山菅のやまずも妹は思ほゆるかも

3051: あしひきの山菅の根のねもころに我れはぞ恋ふる君が姿を

3053: あしひきの山菅の根のねもころにやまず思はば妹に逢はむかも

3055: 山菅の止まずて君を思へかも我が心どのこの頃はなき

3066: 妹待つと御笠の山の山菅の止まずや恋ひむ命死なずは

3204: 玉葛幸くいまさね山菅の思ひ乱れて恋ひつつ待たむ

3291: み吉野の真木立つ山に青く生ふる山菅の根の.......(長歌)

3577: 愛し妹をいづち行かめと山菅のそがひに寝しく今し悔しも

4484: 咲く花は移ろふ時ありあしひきの山菅の根し長くはありけり


更新日: 2022年10月02日(日)